Saturday, September 1, 2012

I think that being a counselor means to be a good listener that is easily approachable and trusted by clients to help and do what is needed.  It is being available for others to reach out to when they do not know who to turn to.  Also, being knowledgeable in processes and procedures to know what to do and alternate resources to be effective in helping those in need.

School counselors are very important.  Besides the obvious reduction in workload on the principals, they give the students an adult to talk to that is not as intimidating as those who give them grades or assign punishments for misbehaviors.  Also, counselors can be a key in identifying at risk students before it is too late. They can also, if time is not an issue, work to prevent many problems from ever occuring through awareness and prevention programs.

I want to be a counselor for many reasons.  First of all, I think that counselors have a very rewarding career because they are making a difference in children's lives everyday that they show up for work.  Secondly,  I feel that students, as well as most other people, find me approachable and feel comfortable telling me their problems.  Finally, I have always been fascinated with psycology, having a teaching degree and a registered nursing degree, counseling seemed to be the obvious next move since it would allow me to somewhat combine the two degrees I already have.

I plan to contribute to the lives of my students, once in a counseling position, by focusing more on prevention strategies.  Also, by making sure that the students know that I am always there for them, an adult who is always willing to listen to them whether it is something good or bad.  Finally, for them to know that if they need help, that I will do everything in my power to get it for them.  School age children need to know that they always have someone to turn to.